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日期:2015年05月18日 16:00 来源:可可英语官方微信 作者:ikekenet

Cinderella-style love stories always find their fans, and the recent hit “You Are My Sunshine” gives the old narrative a modern spin. He Yichen, the hero of the movie, is a handsome, competent and devoted lawyer while Zhao Mosheng, his lover, is cast as a relatively ordinary young woman.


The story begins when He Yichen (Huang Xiaoming) and Zhao Mosheng (Yang Mi) bump into each other at a grocery store after a seven-year-long separation caused by misunderstandings and familial disapproval.

电影从这对恋人七年后的重逢开始讲起。七年前,何以琛(黄晓明 饰)和赵默笙(杨幂 饰)因为误会和家人的反对而分手;七年后,他们二人在超市偶遇(重启了未了的缘分)。

For more than a decade, “My Sunshine”, the novel that the movie was adapted from, has dominated online romance novel rankings by depicting a woman's supposed dream relationship.


The movie remains faithful to its source material by keeping the main plot structure and dialogue, including this line from He: “If the one ever appeared, anyone else would just be a compromise. But I don't want to compromise.”


Production company Le Vision said they intended to “satisfy audiences' desires for a story about pure romantic love that survives across time”.


The movie casts aside those “must-have” ingredients in young adult romance films like “Tiny Times”, “Fleet of Time” and “The Left Ear”– cheating, abortion and the third wheel.


A TV series based on the same novel starring Wallace Chung and Tang Yan topped audience ratings in January, proving the story still has the steam to sell. But when making the big-screen version, directors seem to have put a lot of effort into bringing out something new.


They attempt to pull viewers in by combining love and humor. And many Internet catchphrases have entered the movie's script, like “Don't forget to take your pills”. But with so many bits of humor peppered throughout the film, audiences may have a hard time readjusting for the more touching scenes that follow.


Then, to cater to fujoshi culture, the movie introduces a new character, an assistant played by Huang Zitao (whose stage name is Tao), former member of South Korean band EXO. The guy cares about He so much that one might think he has feelings for him.


Efforts to experiment and do something different should always be appreciated. But maybe this film would have been better if it were just a love story, not a hodgepodge.


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